Alu Color Alu Classic Alu Modern Alu Retro Alu Flex ST Breeze ST Flow ST Prime ST Wire ST Wire & ST Breeze
  • Freight is included within Europe
  • Tailor made Just for You
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We offer:
  • High quality
  • High availability
  • Short production times
  • Products tailored to your measurements
  • Free delivery within EU

Try Designing Your Own Balustrade With Our 3D Configurator!

Whether you’re testing the waters or have your heart set on a particular design, we advise you to take the time to try our design tool (click the green button next to the product that interests you)! This easy-to-use tool will display how the railing looks, the exact cost and how long it will take to make.


If you’ve visited our site before, you may have noticed that we’ve made some changes lately – all to make the tool as easy as possible to use, regardless of whether you’re sitting at your computer/tablet at home or with your mobile phone on the bus. Updated features:

  • Clearer menu choices
  • Better 3D modelling of the railing
  • Optimised for mobile users
  • Option to create a new railing based on the dimensions you have already entered
  • Easily accessible guidance

At the same time, we have preserved the features that were popular with our customers:

  • The price and production time are updated after each choice and change is made
  • Ability to save a railing and continue designing/ordering at a later date (even on another device)
  • Option to receive a quote sent to your email address

Try it yourself! Here are some examples of features you can change* to see how the railing looks and what it will cost:

  • Clear, frosted or grey tinted glass
  • Horizontal or vertical stainless steel bars, or wire
  • Rounded or square clamps
  • With or without handrails in wood or stainless steel
  • Colour of the posts
  • Installation on top of or the face of the substrate/foundation
  • Height of the railing
  • Attachment to the wall

*Different products have different options.

You can buy the railing immediately or get a quote sent to your mail. Just press, send as quote. Free freight within the EU.

We are present with native sites on 10 markets but deliver to the whole of EU.

If you have any questions or issues, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service!


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